To know something of Martyn Lloyd-Jones is to know that the man yearned for revival. In addition to the sermon series which later became the book Revival, Lloyd-Jones devoted countless other sermons, lectures, and letters to the topic of widespread, simultaneous conversion. More than anything else in his life, he longed to see Wales if not the whole evangelical church experience something akin to what had happened during the days of John Wesley or Martin Luther.

Why Revival

The Doctor’s emphasis upon revival in-part grew out of his understanding of spiritual baptism. In addition to the slow, steady growth associated with the normal means of Christian sanctification, the Welsh pastor taught that God would at times fill a local church with a sweet and special awareness of his spirit which would result in the church members’ exponential growth. This moment of growth would then become the foundation needed for another nationwide revival.

Somewhat ironically, I believe Lloyd-Jones helped to split the British Evangelical movement in 1966 because he so longed to lay the groundwork for such a Spiritual baptism that he pressed his Appeal for the formation of a new doctrinally robust association of evangelical churches with an intense zeal that produced more confusion than action. Thus, his very appropriate call to reform the evangelical church around the essential doctrines of the gospel went mostly unheeded. Sensing that no revival was coming in the years that followed 1966, some Lloyd-Jones’s sermons began to take on a slightly negative undertone. Though forever confident in the return of Christ, he no longer spoke of the restoration of the West but more of how all forms of democracy would eventually end in the tyranny of the French revolution. In one sense, I think Lloyd-Jones went to his grave discouraged for God had not seen fit to bring about a revival in his lifetime.

A Testimony of Faithfulness

Though a national revival never came, Lloyd-Jones’s own ministry in London had not proved ineffective. An old family friend of the Doctor told me the other day that he thought one of the greatest tragedies of Lloyd-Jones’s life was that he so longed for national revival that he missed the extraordinary work that God was doing through Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel. With God’s help, the Doctor facilitated thousands of small revivals all throughout England, Wales, and the world. Thousands if not millions of people came to faith either directly through his preaching or indirectly through his writings and through the ministry of the numerous pastors, missionaries, and church members that he had discipled. I write today of Lloyd-Jones because of his very ordinary ministry at Westminster Chapel produced extraordinary fruit. Lloyd-Jones may have lacked a Reformation, but he did not lack a Wittenberg. The fire of revival burned brightly in the pulpit of Westminster Chapel.

Don’t Discount Today

The fact that Lloyd-Jones seemingly missed the glories of the ordinary forest in his unceasing search for that giant, evangelical redwood of revival should serve as a caution to all of us still in ministry – whether that be professionally or otherwise. The temptation to negate or overlook the glories of today because we are so focused on the dreams of what could be tomorrow did not pass with the end of the last century. How many pastors feel discouraged because their church has yet to cross the two-hundred-person threshold? How many singles discount their meaningful ministry to the senior adults in their church and to the young mothers with those crazy two-year-olds because they are still single and are not engaged in the discipling that come with marriage and the arrival of their own children? How many godly men and women with a bent towards missions believe their lives a waste because they spend their day evangelizing their neighbors a couple of doors down instead of reaching people hidden behinds miles of brush in the amazon? How many faithful brothers and sisters in the secular workforce believe their life counts for nothing because they have yet to start their own business or to reach that corner office from which they could make a real difference in the world?

April’s Fear

In truth, my late wife struggled with this temptation. As her life came to a close, she lamented one afternoon how her cancer had kept her from fully engaging in those things that she longed to do with me as we began our ministry at my current church such as: teach Sunday School classes, coordinate VBS programs, attend services, go on home visits, and counsel the hurting. She felt her life incomplete and feared that she had held me back. But as I told her that day as the sun filled the space around her blue rocking chair in our bedroom, she had stewarded her life well. Over the past four plus years, she had served as my greatest counselor and confidant. With her, I processed life and Scripture. Her life showed up not so much in our Sunday school curriculum or in those stick craft projects that make kids’ ministry so fun but in the subliminal content of my sermons, in the essence of my counseling, and in my visions for the future. Indeed, when she died one of the places, I grieved her loss the most was my office. Though she only set in those black chairs across from my desk sporadically during the last few years of her life, she still shaped all that happened behind that heavy white door the separates me from the back entryway. Ordinary, faithful ministry has an extraordinary influence.

The Power of the Ordinary

But what was true of my dear bride and Lloyd-Jones proves true of all of us. Our lives today will not be defined by our dreams, hopes, or expectations of what is to come (of what may never come) but will be defined by our faithful execution of the life and ministry God has given us in this moment. If we are faithfully serving God today in accordance with his Word and our calling and gifting, our lives are not a waste but rather the very definition of success. In other words, we should not discount the ordinary means of grace at work now, believing that all is a waste until the arrival of the extraordinary. In this respect, I believe the Lloyd-Jones’s insistence upon spiritual baptism proved unhelpful. The normative experience of the early church was not Pentecost but rather the faithful plodding associated with Paul’s missionary journeys.  Indeed, the most extraordinary thing about most of us is our ordinary faithfulness.

If that revival never occurs, or if that spouse never comes, or if the ticket to oversees ministry never arrives, and if we stay at our jobs for another 20 years, our lives still possess profound value in the Lord’s economy. If we are faithful today, we will in time bear extraordinary fruit. Take heart, friends. Don’t grow weary of today.

Don’t miss the forest in pursuit of your giant red wood.  

8 thoughts on “Martyn Lloyd-Jones, April Witkowski & the Myth of the Wasted Ministry

  1. I was looking at your church website and came across your blog. Thank you for being so open with what you are walking through in this season of life here on earth. I am so sorry for yours and your children’s loss.

    Back in 2018 I met the man who I believe is the Promise Godly Husband from the Lord after going through separation and divorce. He started coming to the church I was attending on Sunday nights and sitting with me when he wasn’t out doing ministry or visiting other churches. Over the next 6 months or so I sustained a concussion, my back went out, my father who I had been caring for passed and during the time I was caring for him one of my sisters passed and I didn’t get to really grieve losing her, my oldest son who has battled addiction for many years went off the deep end again and I found myself without a car and I went into a very deep dark place emotionally. I remember that all I could do was cry in the presence of the Lord saying I don’t know what is happening to me, I need You, please help me. In my confusion I thought for sure I had pushed the gentleman away because I would accuse him of not being there for me or trying to get to know me………BUT GOD!!
    I was so confused; I couldn’t focus or concentrate…..I would say things I didn’t mean to say and then try to go back and make it right. Not knowing what was happening to me/with me He finally told me that I needed to put my focus back on the Lord. Almost 5 years later and the Lord has been bringing clarity back to me and showing me how this gentleman has tried to be there for me, but I could not see it in the midst of my fog. God has also shown me that this gentleman has been waiting in Hope and praying for me even when he didn’t know what to pray. BUT GOD!!!
    Because of all that I have been through and all the changes in my body health wise I became fearful that I would not be enough for him or what he needed….but the Lord told me that right is not mine, I cannot decide that for him. The Lord also reminded me that He is MORE THAN ENOUGH, so I don’t have to be. And that in my weakness He is Strong.

    Recently the door has been reopening after the Lord revealed to me that the gentleman tried being there for me when my father passed away and I shared that with him…….

    BUT GOD, now I have RENEWED HOPE!!

    Again, thank you for sharing your journey.
    Your Sister in Christ Jesus

    Liked by 1 person

    1. CB, I hurt for you friend. You have been through a lot, but I am so thankful that you too can testify to the Lord’s goodness. Indeed, the “earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord!” May God continue to bless your recovery.


  2. As an itinerant preacher and avid Lloyd-Jones fan I just wanted to thank you for this article. Revival has also been a great passion of mine, I have experienced blessing in my ministry yet am always yearning for a great outpouring of the Spirit. Rather than be discouraged of what hasn’t happened, I tend to be encouraged to know that God will fulfil His purposes and if He purposes revival we will have it. Again, thanks for the article. It was a nice bit of encouragement to read.

    Liked by 1 person

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