
Instruments in a Redeemers Hands – Paul David Tripp

The book introduces readers to Biblical counseling showing them the need for Christ-centered discussions and showing them how to create meaningful exchanges.

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave – Ed Welch

This book tackles the hard issues of addition. If you or a loved one battle on-going sin and are looking for help to change grab a copy of this book. It is filled with Scripture that will both reveal the errors in your heart and the principles need for God honoring change.

Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace – Heath Lambert

If you have struggled or are struggling with  lust, you will benefit from this book. Lambert steers his readers away from many of the faulty ideas that never lead to lasting change and exposes his readers to Scriptures and ideas need to accomplish biblical repentance.

Spiritual Depression – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Most all Christians struggle with depression. In this beautiful work comprised of sermons, Lloyd-Jones examines the various causes of depression and charts the path back to Joy!

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers – Jim Newheiser

If you are one of the many Christians who struggles with your marriage, who is considering divorce, or who is contemplating getting married, you will find this book beneficial. Writing in succinct chapters, Newheiser brings Biblical truth to bear on a wide variety of dating, marriage, and divorce questions. If you have questions about Christian marriage, grab this book.


What Is the Gospel? – Greg Gilbert

In 124 small pages, Gilbert explains the gospel with Biblical clarity. He boils down the gospel to four meaningful words: God, Man, Christ, Response.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church – Mark Dever

Mark Dever shows his readers that a biblical church is a church that has expositional preaching, biblical theology, the gospel, a biblical understanding of conversion, a biblical understanding of evangelism, a biblical understanding of church membership, a biblical understanding of church discipline, a concern for discipleship and growth, and biblical church leadership. The reader who has a passion for the local church and a desire to see local churches thrive will love this book.

Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem

Grudem’s book covers the entire span of biblical doctrines touching on everything from the character of God to the end-times. He breaks down these topics into understandable sections filled to the brim with Scripture references. If you need a book that will help you think through the many doctrines that shape our faith, you will want to have Grudem’s book on your shelf.

Don’t Fire Your Church Members – Jonathan Leeman

Leeman shows his readers that healthy churches need elders, deacons, and members. He then explains his position theological before disusing how these three church offices interact in the daily life of the local church. If you want to understand why many churches value congregationalism, read this book.

The Institutes of Christian Religion – John Calvin

This is one of the books of books. Calvin wrestles with everything from the existence of God to the Lord’s Prayer. If you have a desire to better understand the teachings of the Scriptures, read Calvin. This book has persevered through the centuries for a reason.


Parenting – Paul David Tripp

Biblical parenting is not all about rules, bedtimes, and home work. To parent well, parents must reach the hearts of their children. Tripp devotes his book to showing parents that they can bring the gospel to bear their own hearts and the hearts of their children. If you struggle with parenting or have questions about parenting, start with Tripp’s book.

Big Beliefs: Small Devotionals Introducing Your Family to Big Truth – David R. Helm

Helm has created a Systematic Theology book for kids and parents. Each lesson is divided into three part. Each part contains Scripture reference, reflections on the passage, and questions you can ask your kids. If you are serious about disciplining your kids but do not know where to begin, I encourage you to grab a copy of this family devotional.

The Ology – Marty Machowski

Put the and ology and you get theology for kids. This buetifully illustrated book for kids. All of the book’s 71 chapters run  two to three pages and  feature a picture and Scripture references that will help your child understand key biblical truths. This is a great book for children who love to read.

The Radical Book For Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith – Champ Thorton

Champ Thorton presents the history of Christendom in a fun, exciting, and compelling matter that is almost sure to connect with your elementary student. He discuss everything from John Bunyan, to the “Books of the Bible,” to the “Hedelberg Catechism” to “Bible Games” to “Lottie Moon.” Every chapter has illustrations or quotes, or photo’s, or comics, or crafts, or charts that help bring the pages to life.

The Garden the Curtain and the Cross – Carl Laferton and Catalina Echeverri

This beautifully illustrated book presents the gospel in picture book form. The rich art work perfectly matches the rich use of the Scriptures in this book. This is a great resource for parents and grandparents who want to expose their preschoolers to gospel!